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EXPANDING brands and stories INTO VISUAL, DIGITAL & 

tangible creative EXPERIENCES 

G R A P H I C   D E S I G N   •   B R A N D I N G   •   P R E S E N T A T I O N   D E S I G N   •

 B R A N D   E X P E R I E N C E   •    P H O T O G R A P H Y   •   V I D E O G R A P H Y   •

I N T E R I O R   D E S I G N   •   S P A C I A L   D E S I G N   •   A G E N C Y   W O R K   • 


hi, i'm Jenny

A Long Island-based designer with a passion for storytelling, a love for beautiful aesthetics and a talent for uncovering deeper meanings—whether in the world around me or at the heart of a brand. As a multidisciplinary designer, I bring ideas to life through visual, digital, and tangible experiences that transform ideas into captivating realities.


Branded Merchandise, Marketing Collateral,

Brand Identity

Presentation Design, Website Creation, Photography, Videography, Social Media Content

Event Design, Experiential Activations

Interior Design, Retail Design, Exhibition Design, Window Display, 


"One of the nicest decks I've ever seen...kudos!"


- Pitch Feedback from Client Associate Vice President -

behind my eyes


welcome to the place I like to come to when I want to write down the thoughts that come into my mind. This online journal is a place where I hope to share a new perspective to a thought we may share and hopefully inspire you along your journey.

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Have an idea you’re excited about? 
Whether it’s brainstorming a fresh look for your brand, designing something special, or just saying hello, I’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below, and let’s see what we can create!





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