With 2017 quickly coming to an end I find myself not only reflecting on all that has gone on during these past 365 days but, I find myself constantly scrolling through old pictures in my camera roll and snapchat memories.
I feel like many people can relate on how it feels like day by day nothing goes on. Your life feels boring, you feel like you aren't accomplishing enough and it gets discouraging. Giving yourself time to reflect when the year is coming to an end helps you realize that all of those negative thoughts that were feeding into your head weren't so true. When you step back and look at all you've done you might be pleasantly surprised on just how much you have done!
When looking back at pictures and videos I have taken I was shocked to learn what memories took place over a year ago and what memories actually were apart of my 2017 memories. Time is such a tricky thing and has a way of getting away from ourselves. So, in 2018 I think one of my resolutions will be to try to stay aware of all the good times and small accomplishments I achieve instead of getting lost in the false belief that "I'm not doing enough".