S T U D I O : P R O J E C T 1
Urban Apartment

First project at FIT = ✔️
Hey guys, long time no chat! My life for the past month has been c o n s u m e d with SketchUp models, renderings, layout and design. So, I haven't had much time to do anything else besideswork work work !It was a stressful ride but I'm proud to share my first Interior Design studio project at FIT with you all!We had to combine 2 NYC apartments to create an ADA accessible apartment for a client we came up with so.....Welcome to the Mikos residence!
Alec and Athena Mikos are a middle aged Greek couple who are
advocates of nature, old books and telling stories through art.
Alec: 52 years old. He is a multimedia photojournalist who travels bimonthly. He creates videos and takes photographs of earth’s landscape and documents the different cultures he encounters for advertising companies.
Athena: 51 years old. She is all about organic eating which led to her hobby of juicing. As a fashion merchandiser for ”Free People” she is always surrounded by the best fabrics and accessories. Athena runs her own fashion blog on the side and is indulged in the newest fashion trends. She also enjoys creating her own trends, which are inspired by nature and her occasional travels with her husband.
The Mikos’s recently moved to an apartment in NYC and have the opportunity to take over the apartment located next door. This opportunity came in perfect timing because their daughter Ayla, who they adopted from Turkey, will be visiting them a few times a month. She recently got into an accident requiring her to be in a wheel chair which requires them to have more space. This event caused a pause in traveling for both Alec and Athena.
While coming up with a design, my inspiration originated from Greece. As Greek mythology states, the goddess of nature, Rhea, was known as "The goddess of comfort and ease”. This concept is what I aim to create in this space by incorporating all forms of nature, from the rough volcanic caves to the contrast of the vibrant cerulean ocean and crisp stucco architecture. The serenity these elements bring are what I intend to recreate in this interior. Hoping to transfer a little bit of the tranquility they found on their travels into their home.
A P A R T M E N T W A L K T H R O U G H :
F I N A L D E S I G N :