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Holiday Wrapping

"Gift wrapping is my favorite part of the holiday season".

Did I really just say that...?

Let The Wrapping Begin . . .

If you were to bring up to me last year that I had a ton of presents to wrap for my family and friends, I would have taken a deep breath... and procrastinated. Something about having to find the right box or bag, measure out just enough wrapping paper and trying not to use too much tape just did not appeal to me. Plus, typical wrapping paper is just so boring!

This year though, something about wrapping presents made my eyes light up. It's possible that I have been scrolling through Pinterest for too many hours of my day but, this year I was so inspired to wrap each and every present I had bought as it's own mini masterpiece. Besides the many amazing holiday Pinterest posts, I believe I owe credit to this newfound passion to my current school studies. Being a Visual Presentation and Exhibition major has truly made me appreciate the special impact a well presented item or product can have.

Once I had my mind set on this wrapping extravaganza, I headed to my local Michaels and Hobby Lobby to get the supplies I needed. I wouldn't be surprised if I spent an equal amount on wrapping supplies as I did the actual presents I was wrapping!

From velvet ribbon, gift tags to tiny plants, I bought it all. I used anything I could think of, even clippings from my Christmas tree. Yep, you heard it correct. I turned left over, Christmas branch garbage into a decoration!

I'm not going to lie. This was definitely a time consuming activity but it was SO worth it in the end. Seeing my family and friends faces light up in excitement because of their thoughtfully wrapped presents put the biggest smile on my face as well (even though almost everyone didn't want to ruin the wrapping by opening it!)

The holiday season, to me, is a time of year that makes you appreciate the people you have around you just a little bit more. It's about acknowledging the things and the people you are grateful to have in your life. Put aside money, it's truly the small things- such as a thoughtful message or spending a little extra time to wrap a present, that makes people know deep down that they are appreciated.

I'm excited to say I have this new hobby so lets see if I can keep it up for the next occasion (fingers crossed!)


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